Using apps in primary Mathematics Invitation to be Concurrent Session Presenter at N3 Cluster 8th ICT Symposium
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N3 ICT SYMPOSIUM 2018 24 JULY 2018 photo by pin quan |
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N3 ICT SYMPOSIUM 2018 24 JULY 2018 |
Learning problems in Primary Mathematics for young students could stem from a lack of concrete and personal experiences with mathematical concepts. Therefore, the use of simulations is a technique for practice and learning that is be applied to many different disciplines such as the military (training soldiers in rifle shooting techniques), aviation (training pilots in landing and taking-off of airplanes) and in education, to complement existing concrete hands-on learning experiences. Thus, we argue that simulation can provide valuable learning experiences, especially so with the online portal Singapore Student Learning Space.
Thus, we proposed an approach to design and develop open-source Mathematics learning simulations (interactive resources), compatible with almost any mobile devices in an efficient and sustainable manner. To increase chances of organic scaling up these ICT tools, we will be guided by the 3A framework of Accessible (licenses creative commons attribution), Adaptable (open source codes) and Affordable (free of charge).
This SSTRF aims to be a specialist leader in Translational Research, Innovation and Scaling (TRIS) to realise the vision of “Quality Learning in the Hands of Every Learner - Empowered with Technology”, a goal of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Masterplan 4, Singapore.
What an honor to be invite by Thomas!
is what i will be sharing!
Date: 24th July 2018
Time: 2.45 p.m.
Venue: Edgefield Secondary School, [Venue: 3 Eliot (Level 5)]
Title: CS01-IS02 - Primary School Mathematics apps
Presenter: (Mr Lawrence Wee, ETD)
Title: CS01-IS02 - Primary School Mathematics apps
Presenter: (Mr Lawrence Wee, ETD)
All CS1 & CS 2 presenters are kindly requested to be at EFSS by 1345 hrs.
Presentation venues will be available for set-up from 1300 onwards.
Please proceed to the hall (level 2 for registration) and our ushers will guide you to the presentation venue.
Our TAs will be on site to provide technical support.
Welcome address by Mr Michel Saw, P/Edgefield Primary School and Chairman of N3 ICT Professional Learning and Leadership Committee
Venue : Hall
Presentation of Token of Appreciation to keynote address speakers and presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to presenters by Supt N3 and Mr Lee Peck Ping, Co-Chairman of the N3 ICT Symposium Organising Committee
Venue : Hall
Keynote address by Dr Elizabeth Koh, Assistant Dean (Research Support) and Research Scientist in the Learning Sciences and Innovation Program at the Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University.
Venue : Hall
Concurrent Session 2 –All presenters are requested to be at their venues by 1630
My name is Thomas Low and I am the Deputy Chairman of the 8th N3 Cluster ICT
Symposium Organising Committee 2018.
The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you, on behalf of the Organising Committee, to be the Concurrent Session Presenter at our upcoming N3 Cluster 8th ICT Symposium.
The N3 ICT Symposium is an annual event which brings together thought leaders, teacher practitioners and educational researchers for a noble purpose- to share their insights, practices, experiences and research studies in the use of technology to advance 21st century teaching and learning .This is also a platform that changes how Educators perceive, think about and understand the role of ICT in today’s technological and globally connected environment. The Symposium will be held on 24th July 2018 at Edgefield Secondary School at 2.45 p.m.
The theme and strands of the Symposium are as follows:
This Symposium seeks to enhance teachers’ competencies as designers of learning who are guided by learning principles and sound pedagogical approaches to plan for their lessons. Teachers harness ICT to design for active learning and monitor and to provide feedback to advance learning. The Symposium also seeks to reiterate the importance of the roles educators play in helping students understand their roles and responsibilities in a digitally mediated world.
It is an honour for us to invite you as our Concurrent Session Presenter to present a talk entitled, “Using apps in primary Mathematics”.
I would deeply appreciate if you could RSVP your availability to attend as our Concurrent Session Presenter by 25th April 2018.
On behalf of the 8th N3 ICT Symposium Organising Committee, I look forward to the prospect of you speaking at our Symposium.
Yours faithfully,
Thomas Low
Deputy Chairman, 8th N3 Cluster ICT Symposium Organising Committee 2018
Anchor Green Pr
Anderson Sec
Catholic High School (Pr & Sec)
Compassvale Pr
Edgefield Pr
Edgefield Sec
Fernvale Pr
Hougang Pr
Yio Chu Kang Pr
Lunch will also be served from 1345 onwards,
Refreshment at the Hall and booths exhibition1445-1455
Welcome address by Mr Michel Saw, P/Edgefield Primary School and Chairman of N3 ICT Professional Learning and Leadership Committee
Venue : Hall
Presentation of Token of Appreciation to keynote address speakers and presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to presenters by Supt N3 and Mr Lee Peck Ping, Co-Chairman of the N3 ICT Symposium Organising Committee
Venue : Hall
Keynote address by Dr Elizabeth Koh, Assistant Dean (Research Support) and Research Scientist in the Learning Sciences and Innovation Program at the Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University.
Venue : Hall
Concurrent Session 1 – All presenters are requested to be at their venues by 1530
Concurrent Session 1 – All presenters are requested to be at their venues by 1530
Concurrent Session 2 –All presenters are requested to be at their venues by 1630
My name is Thomas Low and I am the Deputy Chairman of the 8th N3 Cluster ICT
Symposium Organising Committee 2018.
The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you, on behalf of the Organising Committee, to be the Concurrent Session Presenter at our upcoming N3 Cluster 8th ICT Symposium.
The N3 ICT Symposium is an annual event which brings together thought leaders, teacher practitioners and educational researchers for a noble purpose- to share their insights, practices, experiences and research studies in the use of technology to advance 21st century teaching and learning .This is also a platform that changes how Educators perceive, think about and understand the role of ICT in today’s technological and globally connected environment. The Symposium will be held on 24th July 2018 at Edgefield Secondary School at 2.45 p.m.
The theme and strands of the Symposium are as follows:
Theme: Discover, Experience and Engage with Educational Technology
- Designers of learning experiences using the SLS Pedagogical Scaffold to meet students’ diverse learning needs
- Nurturing responsible digital learners
This Symposium seeks to enhance teachers’ competencies as designers of learning who are guided by learning principles and sound pedagogical approaches to plan for their lessons. Teachers harness ICT to design for active learning and monitor and to provide feedback to advance learning. The Symposium also seeks to reiterate the importance of the roles educators play in helping students understand their roles and responsibilities in a digitally mediated world.
It is an honour for us to invite you as our Concurrent Session Presenter to present a talk entitled, “Using apps in primary Mathematics”.
I would deeply appreciate if you could RSVP your availability to attend as our Concurrent Session Presenter by 25th April 2018.
On behalf of the 8th N3 ICT Symposium Organising Committee, I look forward to the prospect of you speaking at our Symposium.
Yours faithfully,
Thomas Low
Deputy Chairman, 8th N3 Cluster ICT Symposium Organising Committee 2018
total of 34 participants has registered for your session.Anchor Green Pr
Anderson Sec
Catholic High School (Pr & Sec)
Compassvale Pr
Edgefield Pr
Edgefield Sec
Fernvale Pr
Hougang Pr
Yio Chu Kang Pr
A total of 15 (instead of the intended 4) interactive resources are developed as Website and Mobile Apps, accessible, adaptable and affordable on the Open Source Physics at Singapore digital library. The list below is based on chronological order of date when first prototype is made and attributed with where the initial idea came from.
1 to 100 for learning Odd, Even, Multiples and Factors based on ideas from Thong Chee Hing (ETD SS) and teachers in our workshops.
- Teaching mode shows odd, even, multiples and factors up the number 100, great for teacher demonstration (direct link)
- Practice mode affords for student exploration with automatic targeted feedback
- Colour-coded factor pairs for pattern recognition such as 1x24, 2x12, 3x8, 4x6 = 24
2 Telling Time based on ideas from Anna Goh (Anchor Green Pri) Theresa Heng (AST MTT) and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- Game mode affords for a random time to be set to the nearest half an hour or 5 minutes and dragging the both clock hour and minute hands to correct position for feedback with sound.
- Practice mode affords for student exploration with automatic targeted feedback.
- Teaching mode shows time in O’clock half past, and quarter to and past, great for teacher demonstration
3 Mass or Weighing Scale based on ideas from Rachelle Lee (Yio Chu Kang Pri) and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- Teaching mode shows a weighing scale in 1, 4 and 5 kilograms used by the teacher. The apple, coin and pineapple are example objects to give practical usages and typical masses of common objects.
- Practice mode affords for selecting the correct mass in either whole number grams (lower primary) or decimal kilograms (upper primary)
- Able to zoom in and out via pinching the screen of the handphone for better interactivity, great for projector usage by teachers.
4 Nets of Cubes and Cuboids based on ideas from Thong Chee Hing and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- Teaching mode shows either isometric and realistic three dimensional view of a cube or cuboid folding and unfolding in a total of 11 ways of which there are patterns A (1,4,1 squares in a row), B (1,3,2 squares in a row), C (3,3 squares in a row)and D (2,2,2 squares in every row) for pattern learning
- Added an input field calculator feature for cost per unit area, for a more authentic case of building a swimming pool with only 5 sides and a open top.
- Colour-coded for ease of noticing the 6 faces of the cube or cuboid.
5 Net(s) of Square or Rectangular Pyramid based on ideas from Thong Chee Hing (ETD SS) and teachers in our workshops.(direct link)![](
- Teaching mode that shows realistic three dimensional view of a square pyramid folding and unfolding into a net
6 Speed for 2 Objects based on ideas from Lye Sze Yee (Teck Whye Pri), Cynthia Seto (AST PMTT) and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- teaching mode shows adjustable town A and town B distance apart, with a bus and a car with adjustable speeds and starting positions
- a drop-down menu of different scenarios for ease of exploring concepts
- the bus and car can U-turn or stop at town B or town A, making this simulation fully customised to Singapore teaching practice and examples found in OPAL lessons.
7 More than Less than Question Generator based on ideas on website and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- practice mode comes with 3 different sets of possible questions and when student gets something wrong, hints appears in the form of bar models in part (BLUE) add or subtract part (RED) to get the whole (GREEN)
- colour coded the model bars and the question numbers used to aid pattern recognition.
- game designed for 2 player playing on the same device/laptop through turn taking.
- customised to suit teachers request of adjustable deck of number cards, even or odd sets and different starting card numbers and final addition target, for a great variety of possible card play.
- appropriate feedback is given when player 1 or player 2 reach the target (WIN) or exceed target (LOSE)
9 Comparing Fractions based on ideas from two Primary 3 lessons in SLS and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- teaching mode through dropdown menu shows 1. equivalent fractions in SLS video 12=36 and questions, 2. greater or less than related fractions 45>35, 3. greater or less than of unrelated fractions 25>310with a make equal parts for the denominator for conceptual understanding
- shows 1. circular parts of a whole, 2. horizontal bars of a whole and 3. vertical bars of a whole for multiple representations and synergistic learning
- drawing (solid line and dotted line), colour scheme(RED and GREEN with transparency helps productive noticing when the 2 shapes are dragged to overlap or played ) and position of start of fraction piece are based on rigorous tech scan of available resources
10 Add and Subtract Proper Fractions based on ideas from Primary 3 lesson in SLS and teachers in our workshops (direct link)![](
- teaching mode through dropdown menu shows 1. additional of same denominator fractions in SLS video 411+511=? and questions, 2. subtraction 56-16= ? with automatic solver to show simplified answers 9/11 and 2/3 respectively. The green piece move to the red piece position now different from the earlier simulation to aid teacher instruction
- shows 1. circular parts of a whole, 2. horizontal bars of a whole and 3. vertical bars of a whole for multiple representations and synergistic learning
- drawing (solid line and dotted line), colour scheme(RED and GREEN with transparency helps productive noticing when the 2 shapes are dragged to overlap or played ) and position of start of fraction piece
- teaching mode comes with pre-defined examples from worksheet by teacher question 1 to 13 where the three dimensional water tank can get filled up via a tap above and lose water via a bottom tap. Students can visualise exactly at which time the changing height of the water level, what amount gets poured into or gets drained out of the tank
- practice mode comes with input fields for length, width and height of tank, current water height, amount of water to be added, and rate of water in and out of tank for a full suite of possibilities to suit most Singapore complex word problems involving volume of tank
12 Symmetry Block based on ideas from Thong Chee Hing (ETD SS) and Yeo Teck Wai (CPDD) (direct link)![](
- teaching mode comes with 4 different (horizontal, vertical, 45 degree and -45 degree to x axis) symmetric lines, selectable draw straight lines, click boxes and free hand draw.
- practice mode supports student clicking on a number of boxes and check if their answers is indeed symmetrical about the line of symmetry
- in the free hand mode, different colour also help students visualise their instantaneous lines and their symmetry
13 Symmetry Letter based on ideas from Thong Chee Hing (ETD SS) and Yeo Teck Wai (CPDD) (direct link)![](
- teaching mode comes with 2 different (horizontal, vertical, symmetric lines to a predefined 26 letters in the alphabet that shows a folding about the symmetric line.
- practice mode supports student clicking on either horizontal or vertical skewing that animates the letter with the new selected skew, which helps student explore if it is indeed symmetrical and if not, how it looks like
14 Symmetry Shape based on ideas from Thong Chee Hing (ETD SS) and Yeo Teck Wai (CPDD) (direct link)![](
- teaching mode many options such as circle with infinite symmetric lines, square, rectangles, pentagon, ladybug and butterfly and their correct lines of symmetry that shows the folding and unfolding about the symmetric line.
- practice mode supports student clicking on the hotspots to fold the shape and the symmetric line darkens after being selected.
15 Multiply Fractions based on ideas from Sharon Ong (ETD) and an existing Geogebra applet (direct link)![](
- teaching mode comes with selectable the 4 dropdown menu (numerator and denominator of the 2 fractions) that shows the interaction of the 2 fractions as the visualise representation of the effects of multiplying 2 fractions
- the final simplified answer is also shown to help calculations
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SSTRF_2017_ETD_3 Explore-Useful Learning Math Apps |
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