Production Possibility Curve Economics JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model

Production Possibility Curve Economics HTML5
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production at the inefficient point

production at the maximum efficient point

Opportunity Cost of one more video

The opportunity cost of producing 1 more video from 0 video is 1 hat

The opportunity cost of producing 1 more video from 1 video is 3 hats

The opportunity cost of producing 1 more video from 2 video is 6 hats

The opportunity cost of producing 1 more video from 3 video is 20 hats

Opportunity Cost of more hats

The opportunity cost of producing 20 more hats from 0 hat is 1 video

The opportunity cost of producing 6 more hats from 1 hat is 1 video

The opportunity cost of producing 3 more hats from 2 hats is 1 video

The opportunity cost of producing 1 more hat from 29 hats is 1 video

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