14 to all national representatives of GIREP
Letter no. 14 to all national representatives of GIREP
January 12th , 2019
Dear representative of GIREP
The physics education community is very much alive*, all over the world. GIREP is a leading organisation**, the last 5 years bringing organisations concerned with physics education and it’s research together via many agreements. An example is the next conference in Hungary, organised as GIREP-ICPE-EPEC-MPTL conference. It is a good exercise to google all these abbreviations, an added value is that all these organisations play their own role and have their own contribution to physics education. Visiting their websites gives you the best possible information, better indeed than my words.
So we are proud again to announce that the official website of the GIREP-ICPE-EPEC-MPTL Budapest conference is open at https://girep2019.hu . At the same time, the call for abstracts will be launched soon. Meanwhile, it makes sense to prepare your abstract already.
In 2020 we will have a World Conference of Physics Education, WCPE, this time in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Please be aware of your position of representative of GIREP for your country: let your local physics education community know what is going on in the world of Physics Education and it’s research. Conferences always bring together inspiring people, sharing the same passion.
I quote here a message from my colleague in the GIREP Committee:
…we present you the newest GIREP Newsletter No. 60, which you can find by clicking on the following link:
On behalf of the GIREP Committee
Dagmara Sokolowska
GIREP Secretary
Please read it carefully…
Now, after reading this Newsletter 60, a very important message. In view of GDPR ( look at https://eugdpr.org/ for all information) , I ask you to answer to the mail I sent, and to declare simply that you agree with the fact that GIREP vzw keeps your name, the country you represent and email address in an Excel spreadsheet and that you allow GIREP to send you mails concerning GIREP activities. Thank you!
Sadly I have to add to this that I am obliged to delete all contacts that do NOT reply… it is a matter of privacy.
The proceedings and book with selected papers resulting from the Krakow GIREP seminar 2016, are available, as well as the selected papers from WCPE 2016 in Sao Paolo. Due to our agreements with Springer and IOP editors, even 3 more books are being produced. Please reread * and **.
As usual, I want to stress the importance of the collaboration among teachers and hope they can be present at as many meetings as possible. If you, as representative, or your teachers, cannot be present, please contact us to see how we can find a format for collaboration. Let us know your suggestions. We regard you as valuable peers that can bring in new ideas.
It is also a tradition to ask, also on behalf of Dagmara, to let us know what is happening in your country. Fairs, conferences, exchanges, projects with respect to physics education. Please write a short note (one paragraph is enough) for the next GIREP newsletter which is to be launched in April 2019.
Again, thank you very much for everything!
All the best for 2019 and hopefully we meet each other in Budapest.
Wim Peeters
Vice-president of GIREP.
PS Don’t forget GDPR.