Review: 207th Exhibition of Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours

The 207th Exhibition by the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours continues in all three galleries at the Mall Galleries until 18th April 2018.  411 paintings have been hung in total

Cover of the RI Catalogue
is a painting by Lillias August of some of the Archive
The painting is to be auctioned in order to raise funds for the conservation of the archive
which have been deposited with the Victoria and Albert Museum.

All the exhibition information is on the Mall Galleries website - including
Members of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours; Rosa Sepple, Shirley Trevena, Jean Noble and Ian Sidaway form a panel answering your questions on everything to do with water media and the Institute.
Admission to the Exhibition is £4 and Free to Friends of Mall Galleries, Friends of the RI and under 18s

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: I've visited twice so far - on a very well attended Private View and the following day when coachloads arrived and filled the gallery.
  • It's an exhibition which is on for just over two weeks across all three galleries. 
  • Given the number of visitors it attracts it is one of the premier exhibitions at the Mall Galleries all year.  (You can see visitors to the Gallery in posts in the News section of the RI website) 
  • It's also attracting very positive comments from those who have visited on Facebook
"Fabulous exhibition and so much to see"
"A lovely exhibition. Do see it if you can"
"I saw the exhibition yesterday and loved it. Such a high standard."
I've already highlighted the artwork winning awards in RI Annual Exhibition 2019 - Awards and Candidates - plus included a photo of the Candidates Wall.

I've also highlighted "gallery view" photos of the exhibition in an album on my Making A Mark Facebook Page - which can be viewed by anyone irrespective of whether or not you have a FB account. Click the pics to see larger versions. (Anybody wanting credit for a body of work please let me know - and include the URL for the specific pic)

What follows below is a review of the exhibition - including an indication of exhibition metrics and sales - which I'll be analysing in more detail next week at the end of the exhibition.
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