40th BP Portrait Award (2019) Shortlist

The shortlist for the BP Portrait Portrait Award 2019 was announced last week. I'd been inspecting my inboxes for an email from the National Portrait Gallery and checking the NPG website on an almost daily basis for all of April to no avail.

I knew if I went away it would be announced - and so it came to pass!!

So - one week late - here's the Making A Mark analysis of this year's shortlisted portraits - and the artists who created them.

Four portraits shortlisted for 40th BP Portrait Award 

The portraits shortlisted for the BP Portrait Award 2019

  • Sophie and Carla (1520mm x 920mm, oil on polyester) by Emma Hopkins
  • Quo vadis? (900mm x 600mm, oil on aluminium) by Massimiliano Pironti
  • The Crown (500mm x 400mm, oil on linen) by Carl-Martin Sandvold 
  • Imara in her Winter Coat (1200mm x 900mm, oil on canvas) by Charlie Schaffer 
Interestingly we have:
  • a completely new set of artists producing shortlisted portraits
  • three of the artists entered for the first time this year
  • four portraits all use a portrait format
  • there are two small and two large portraits
  • ALL artists painted in oil
  • four different supports were used for the shortlisted portraits
Below there is a brief summary about the competition and then information about each of the artists

The BP Portrait Award 2019

The Open Entry

This year's open and international entry comprised 2,538 digital entries (minus 129 entries) from 84 countries (minus 4 countries).

Selected Artists

Only 44 portraits have been selected.  This is a very significant reduction on the number (50+) which have been selected in the past.
  • 20 from the UK
  • 24 from international artists
Effectively this means that over time, the number of UK artists being selected for this competition has halved.  It's now very much an international competition - not a UK one. I'll be publishing my blog post about selected artists on Wednesday.

If you want a small image of your portrait included in my post please send me an image.

The Judges were:
  • Dr Nicholas Cullinan, Director, National Portrait Gallery (Chair)
  • Gaylene Gould - Head of Cinemas and Events at the BFI Southbank + Cultural Ambassador for London appointed by the Mayor
  • GaryHume - artist (member of the YBAs and a painter but not known as a portrait artist)
  • Dr. Alison Smith - Chief Curator of the National Portrait Gallery 
  • Des Violaris - Director, UK Arts & Culture, BP and 
  • ZoĆ© Whitley - Senior Curator of the Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, London.

Exhibition and Awards 

The winner of the £35,000 BP Portrait Award and other award winners will be announced on 10th June 2019 at the National Portrait Gallery, London at the Awards Ceremony.

  • First prize: £35,000 + a commission worth £7,000 (agreed between the National Portrait Gallery and the artist). 
  • Second Prize: £12,000 and 
  • Third Prize of £10,000 is also awarded. 
  • The BP Young Artist Award, with a prize of £9,000 goes to one selected artist aged between 18 and 30. 

The exhibition will be held at:

Artists shortlisted for BP Portrait Award 2019

Below you can find profiles for each of the shortlisted artists

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