Mei 2018

International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (iCTLT) 2018 call for proposal is out!

Email 16 April 2018 Paper Presentation Session name : P6.1 Date/Day 1st June 2018 Fri 2.00 - 2.30 pm  Venue: Aquarius 1  Title: Open Source...

muonnhatnews 1 Jun, 2018

ictlt18 booth on interactive simulations

#ictlt18 booth on interactive simulations, was invited to run a booth for ETD.

muonnhatnews 1 Jun, 2018

Hanging Simple Harmonic Oscillator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Hanging Simple Harmonic Oscillator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Graph Combo Box Toggling between the combo box will give ...

muonnhatnews 30 Mei, 2018

Kinematics Car and Bus Y Direction Simulator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Kinematics Car and Bus Y Direction Simulator JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Graph Combo Box Toggling the Combo Box will dis...

muonnhatnews 30 Mei, 2018

Solving Systems of Linear Equations Resistor Networks JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Solving Systems of Linear Equations Resistor Networks JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Combo Box and Functions Toggling throu...

muonnhatnews 30 Mei, 2018

Solving Resistor Networks JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Solving Resistor Networks JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Combo Box and Functions Toggling through the combobox will give yo...

muonnhatnews 30 Mei, 2018

Travelling to Mars JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Travelling to Mars JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Control Panel Toggling between the combo box will set their respective fu...

muonnhatnews 30 Mei, 2018

GlowScript is awesome but the answers are different from EJSS version

found GlowScript is awesome http://www.glowscript....

muonnhatnews 24 Mei, 2018

Connection Between Circular Motion and Harmonic Motion JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Circular motion is a concept familiar to most physics students. Take a mass and rotate it around a circular path at a constant speed, and yo...

muonnhatnews 22 Mei, 2018

Three Independent Spring Systems JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Three Independent Spring Systems JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Plot Check Box Toggles the visibility of the graph on the l...

muonnhatnews 22 Mei, 2018

TRAISI 31321-00003 Using ICT to Teach Math

Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your patience in waiting for our next run of Using ICT to Teach Math workshop. We are pleased to inform you ...

muonnhatnews 21 Mei, 2018

Specialist Writeup Digital Resources for Learning

Why? SSes to build up its unique characteristic body of expertise, esp. in the areas of technologies for education, learning sciences and te...

muonnhatnews 16 Mei, 2018

Fibonacci Spiral JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of integers as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, ... where they all sati...

muonnhatnews 16 Mei, 2018

Coulomb Pendulum JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5

Coulomb Pendulum JavaScript Simulation Applet HTML5 Instructions Charge Field Box and Slider The charge of the particles can be set by input...

muonnhatnews 15 Mei, 2018