Tek Yong Shoun ETD Work Attachment

For creating HTML5, you need to use a personal computer with java runtime installed.
the toolkit i use from https://www.um.es/fem/EjsWiki/Main/Download

Download and unzip. Click on EjsConsole.jar to check the program runs.

You may want to look through some of the details in HTML5 creation from previous workshops

Tek Yong Shoun
29 Oct to 9 Nov


Brief Description

 I hope to build a simulator that allows students to vary the size and direction of the resultant
force for an object in motion.
 The resultant force is made up of forces by 2 fans placed on cart, the friction between track
and cart and air resistance.

Misconception of Students

 Objects slow down in the presence of friction or air resistance.
 Students are unable to explain why objects eventually reach terminal velocity.
Outcomes of the simulator
 Students can visualise how motion is affected when F net > friction, when F net = friction and
when F net < friction, while the cart remains in motion.
 Students learn how to predict motion given the magnitude and direction of F net with relation
to the direction of motion.
 Students understand how velocity affects air resistance.
 Students understand objects remain accelerating before eventually reaching terminal

Components of simulation

Part 1
F1 and F2 can be adjusted in the absence of friction and air resistance to explore Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion
Part 2
Either F1 or F2 is OFF. ON the friction
Students will explore the effect of F relative to friction on the motion while the cart is set in motion
Part 3
Either F1 or F2 is OFF. OFF the friction.
Students will explore the motion of the cart as it accelerates in the presence of air resistance until it
reaches terminal speed.
There will be a speedometer that shows value of speed throughout the motion and a clock that tells
the time.
Submitted by

Tek Yong Shoun (Mr)
Punggol Secondary
ST Physics
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